Our People
Our People
Executive Committee
Dr. Benny N. Peter
Executive Director, Specialisation - Ocean Sciences
Dr. K. Shadananan Nair
Executive Secretary and Director of Research (Climate and Natural Resources Division
Dr.Jomon Joseph Thachil
Hon. Treasurer and Director of Research-coastal and Estuarine Studies
Dr.Venu G. Nair
Senior Meteorologist - Synoptic Meteorology and Atmospheric Modelling
Dr. K. Ajith Joseph
Consultant Scientist-Satellite Oceanography, Ocean Modelling
Dr.R. Santhosh Kumar
Consultant Scientist(Coastal Environment - Groundwater Resources and GIS
Mr. Roy George
Senior Scientist -Offshore Oil Industry Consultant– Marine Geology,Sedimentology and Mineralogy
Governing Council
DR. P. S. Joseph
Chairman, CEREM, Former Emeritus Scientist, Kuwait ISR
Dr. Basil Mathew
Senior Scientist (G) (Rtd) ,NPOL, Kochi
Dr. Suresh K
Asst. Professor in Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Kochi
Dr. Baby Simon
Scientist G (Rtd), PRL, Ahmedabad
Dr.P.V. Hareesh Kumar
Former Director (S&T) and Scientist G (Retired), NPOL, Kochi
DR. Purandara Bekal
Retired Scientist , National Institute of Hydrology, Roorke
CEREM- Research Team
Dr. Suresh Narayanan
Senior Research Scientist-Atmospheric Physics, HRD
Dr. Jayasree Vaidyanathan
Senior Scientist-Hydrometeorology
Dr. Bindu .G
Consultant Scientist -,Carbon Sequestration, Air Pollution Modelling and monitoring, EIA
Consultant Scientist - Agricultural Meteorology
Dr. Joseph Sebastian
Senior Scientist
Dr. Subin K Jose
Consultant Scientist, Environmental Science. GIS
Dr. Archana Nair
Consultant Scientist - Climate Modelling, Rainfall Prediction
Ms. Chethana Badekar
Scientist - Conservation Biology, Environmental and Health, Yoga
Associate Members
Dr. Martin Gopurathinkal
Associate Scientist -Environmental Chemistry
Dr. K. Abdulla Bava
Associate Scientist –Marine Geology and Environmental Science
Dr. Syriac Sebastian
Associate Scientist - Geo Sciences